NCK GRUPA Customer Service Office:
Biuro Obsługi Klienta NCK GRUPA:
801-88-25-25, 694-95-99-66, 503-703-703


NCK GRUPA ‘s range of services in the field of inspection and measurement of electrical installations includes both activities aimed at preparing the installation (devices) for measurements and related works; it covers:


inspection, maintenance as well as tests and measurements of the main equipment of 0.4 kV supply switching stations, including main circuit breakers and ATS systems


inspection, maintenance as well as tests and measurements of 0.4 kV electrical switching stations


inspection, maintenance as well as tests and measurements of 0.4kV capacitor banks


inspection as well as tests and measurements of the insulation resistance of all 1-phase and 3-phase circuits


tests and measurements of the effectiveness of the anti-shock protection of installations, power sockets and equipment


tests and measurements of the parameters of residual current devices


tests and measurements of emergency and evacuation lighting installations


tests of installations with a thermovision camera, recording thermograms, i.e. the distribution of temperatures on the electrical equipment tested


inspection and maintenance of security systems


inspection and maintenance of air conditioning and heating


measurements and maintenance of antenna installations

pomiary nck

MEASUREMENTS reviews maintenance tests

The aforementioned examinations and measurements are carried out in a timely manner and within specific scopes, in accordance with the currently valid legal regulations and standards, the Building Act, the Energy Act and the Fire Protection Act.

We draw up written reports on the activities carried out, which are submitted to our clients.
Persons in charge of the aforementioned activities
have the necessary qualifications and valid licences.

Feel free to contact our Technical Department or Marketing Department employees, who will immediately provide you with detailed information and quotation.