NCK GRUPA Customer Service Office:
Biuro Obsługi Klienta NCK GRUPA:
801-88-25-25, 694-95-99-66, 503-703-703

We provide technical maintenance services for facilities located throughout the country. We do so through our own coordination centre (call centre) and 5,500-plus service technicians operating within the framework of the NCK National Technical Emergency Service

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Change of address of the registered office of NCK GRUPA Sp. z o.o.

Change of address of the registered office of NCK GRUPA Sp. z o.o.

Dear Sirs! We would like to inform you that as of 2024.12.16 the address of the registered office of our company NCK GRUPA Sp. z o.o. is changing. The new company address is: NCK GRUPA Sp. z o.o. ul. Chałubińskiego 8 /OXFORD TOWER/ 00-613 Warsaw All other data: NIP,...

NCK GRUPA sp. z o.o. at the Warsaw Security Expo Fair

NCK GRUPA sp. z o.o. at the Warsaw Security Expo Fair

We have the honor to inform you that representatives of NCK GRUPA sp. z o.o. have been invited to the prestigious Warsaw Security Expo FAIR. During the meeting, we had the pleasure of presenting the Company and its achievements, as well as establishing many business...

They trusted us:

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