Change of address of the registered office of NCK GRUPA Sp. z o.o.
Dear Sirs! We would like to inform you that as of 2024.12.16 the address of the registered office of our company NCK GRUPA Sp. z o.o. is changing. The new company address is: NCK GRUPA Sp. z o.o. ul. Chałubińskiego 8 /OXFORD TOWER/ 00-613 Warsaw All other data: NIP,...
NCK GRUPA sp. z o.o. at the Warsaw Security Expo Fair
We have the honor to inform you that representatives of NCK GRUPA sp. z o.o. have been invited to the prestigious Warsaw Security Expo FAIR. During the meeting, we had the pleasure of presenting the Company and its achievements, as well as establishing many business...
We have a great honour to announce that once again we diserved for the great distinction – being the winner of the FORBES DIAMONDS 2023 AWARD. Thus, we constantly provide our quality, being important element on the Polish "bussiness map". Cooperation with us gives the...
30 year anniversary of the JANEX INTERNATIONAL
I have a great pleasure and satisfaction to inform, that on 23rd of September 2022 representants of the NCK GRUPA participated in a SOLEMN GALA of a 30 year anniversary of the JANEX INTERNATIONAL. Let me present my personal memories of the first contracts with JANEX...
NCK GRUPA among the winners of the prestigious Forbes Diamonds 2022 award
We are proud to announce that NCK GRUPA Sp.zo.o. was one of the winners of the prestigious Forbes Diamonds 2022. This is an annual ranking of companies that have most effectively increased their value in the past 3 years. The results of the ranking were compiled on...
Prize "Eagle of the Polish Entrepreneurship"is granted to the best companies, which could inspire others. It is the synonym of the succes, enriching the potential of the Company's image, which in natural way faciliates its activities – especially concerning relation...
NCK GRUPA among the winners of the prestigious Forbes Diamonds 2021 award
We are proud to announce that NCK GRUPA Sp.zo.o. was one of the winners of the prestigious Forbes Diamonds 2021 . This is an annual ranking of companies that have most effectively increased their value in the past 3 years. The results of the ranking were compiled on...
NCK GRUPA with the Diamond of the Polish Economy 2020
NCK Grupa Sp. z o.o. was distinguished for achieving high market value in the 13th iteration of the competition Diamonds of Polish Economy 2020 by the Institute of European Business
RetailShow 2019 From 20 to 21 November 2019 COME JOIN US
WE WOULD LIKE TO INVITE YOU to RetailShow 2019 From 20 to 21 November 2019, we will be attending RetailShow 2019; COME visit us at booth F06
NCK GRUPA at Synergy Global Forum / St. Petersburg 2019
On 4, 5 October 2019, the representatives of NCK GRUPA attended the Synergy Global Forum, held at the Gazprom Arena in St. Petersburg 2019/Russia This largest international business/educational forum featured speakers of the most influential and richest people of the...
NCK GRUPA business liability of PLN 2.2 million
Dear Sirs and Madams The companies of NCK GRUPA act responsibly and are insured against all risks. The sum assured in the NCK GRUPA Sp.z o.o. policy is PLN 2 million 200 thousand INFORMATION Copies of the policies are available to upon request to the NCK GRUPA...